Monday, March 9, 2020

TheNorm's Top 5 Marvel Movies

There is no doubt that Marvel Studios has become one of the most fascinating phenomenons in recent cinema history. Despite what Martin Scorcese would prefer to believe, these movies are far from mere roller coaster rides. While I can understand why Mr. Scorcese would publicly despise these movies, I have to respectfully disagree with his opinion in regards to the quality and nature of the Marvel Films. Speaking as a movie enthusiast as well as a superhero fan, I am glad to live in a time when mass Superhero entertainment has proven itself to be more profound than we ever could have expected. Marvel Studios has created more than mere special effects-heavy extravaganzas. They have built a world of fantastic stories, robust characters, and in some ways, given a voice to the voiceless. I know that sounds corny, but then again, so are these movies, and that's just fine with me. 

So far, Marvel Studios has released 23 films with many more on the way. So, in recognition of their remarkable achievements, and in preparation for the upcoming Black Widow movie (finally), I would like to take a moment to look back on some of the Marvel films that mean the most to me. The ones that made me proud to consider myself a superhero fan. 

This is TheNorm's Top 5 Marvel Movies. 

#5 - Avengers: Endgame 

The main event Marvel built up to for over ten years, Avengers: Endgame is a remarkable film in many ways. The most significant of which is its narrative. Under the expert guidance of directors Anthony and Joe Russo, The film spends the vast majority of its runtime building up the ultimate "save the day" moment with profound character development, unbelievably witty writing, and emotionally resonating performances from every single member of the cast. All of which makes the climactic final battle against the ultimate evil all the more cathartic. This may very well be the best possible conclusion to Phase 3 of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) than any of us could have asked for. 

Now, you might be wondering to yourself, "If I love this film so much, why is it so low on my list?" Well, as much as I do enjoy this film, it saddens me that I can't recommend it to anyone, other than established fans. You see, while the majority of Marvel films are enjoyable on their own, the "main event" movies are really for those of us who have been watching these movies since day one. While you could still technically watch Avengers: Endgame without having seen some or any of the films prior, the impact will not be as substantial, because you would be missing vital emotional beats from previous chapters. It would be like starting a book in the middle rather than the very beginning. 

Avengers: Endgame can potentially be enjoyed on its own, but anyone who wants to watch it would greatly benefit from taking their time with the earlier movies first. Therefore, as much as I love this movie, it is not an easy one to recommend to newcomers or casual fans. As opposed to the next film on my list. 

#4 - Guardians of the Galaxy 

One of my friends described this film as "the Star Wars of this generation," and I have to agree. Much like Star Wars, it's a space opera with larger than life characters with sympathetic backstories, a rouge for hire with a partner only he can understand (ala Han Solo and Chewbacca), and a genocidal villain who wants to conquer the Galaxy, not unlike Darth Vader. Even so, the most crucial similarity this film has to Star Wars is its confidence. Because it's a movie loaded to the brim with characters no one ever heard of (outside of die-hard comic fans) and locations that are so out-of-this-world, many people didn't think this would work and were afraid to give it a try. Sound familiar? It should! Because just like Star Wars, it blew everyone's expectations out or the water by delivering a heartwarming story about family and acceptance. Not to mention the utter awesomeness of watching a Racoon wielding a Machine Gun! 

As I said before, this is one of the many Marvel films that anyone can just pick up and watch without having to do a lot of homework. Setting aside its tangential connection to the MCU, Guardians of the Galaxy functions quite well as its own story. It has a little bit of everything for everyone (not just comic book fans) to enjoy in some capacity. 

It holds the #4 place on my list, not for anything negative, but instead is a specific type of enjoyment for me. While I enjoy the right amount of thoughtful brainless fun as much as anyone, I tend to get more personal satisfaction out of the ones with just a little more texture to them. Which brings me to the next film on my list. 

#3 - The Avengers 

This ranks as one of the best Movie Theater experiences I've had in my whole life. I saw this film in theaters four times on the same weekend, and on every viewing, I experienced the same enthrallment as everybody else in the theater. The moment that all of the established heroes came together to save the day, every single person in the audience, including myself, got up and cheered. Aside from attending a few comedies where the audience always laughed out loud together, I cannot remember ever having a shared connection like that with any other movie or audience before. It became one of my fondest memories at the movie theater, right alongside seeing the first Tim Burton Batman film in theaters on opening day. The only thing that might have made this experience more exhilarating is if they hired a group of performers dressed as The Avengers to run through the theater during the climax of the film. Would that have been overkill? Maybe, but it still would have been awesome!  

This movie has it all! Comedy, action, science fiction, commentary, colorful costumes, you name it. It was the first time we had seen all of the beloved characters we had been watching in separate movies on the same screen together. While there is no denying that it is not a perfect movie, it is a positively unbelievable one that deserves its high status in the world of superhero blockbusters. Best of all, it's probably the one event movie that anyone can jump right into regardless of prior history with the earlier films. Sure, there are a few spots here and there that may require a quick Google search or an explanation from a friend who has seen the other films, but aside from that, one can go straight to this movie and have a blast. 

In case you're wondering why this excellent film is in my #3 spot, it's merely because it's not my absolute favorite. Oh, I enjoy it a lot, but the Marvel movies that stick out to me the most are the ones that got bolder with their risks. The ones that decided to take advantage of their prestige and utilize their status to say something profound and topical. Not unlike the next film on my list. 

#2 - Black Panther 

Black Panther is, without a doubt, Marvel Studios' best film ever. Not only is it an all-out entertaining as hell blockbuster. Not only is it the most well written and directed Marvel film, but it is one of the few triple "A" high budgets movies to be made by black artists, starring black artists, with a story that brings to light relevant aspects of the black condition. In an age when Hollywood tends to continue catering primarily to the white male age 18-45 demographic, this is a huge accomplishment! One that Marvel, and indeed all of Cinema, should be proud of. 

This film breaks all kinds of boundaries. It is the first Marvel film to have a three-dimensional and empathetic villain in Killmonger, it features compelling female characters whose strength comes from pride, and it helped to further cement director Ryan Coogler as an artist with conviction. Not to mention becoming the first superhero film to be nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture. Of course, I would be remiss to not also give a shout out to the gorgeous cinematography by Rachel Morrison. Whos lighting style and camera work speak to my own sense of style. Almost as if we were on the same wavelength. 

While I just said that this is the best Marvel movie ever, and I will forever stand by that statement, it's not my absolute personal favorite. Hence why it proudly sits at #2 on my list. My absolute favorite goes to this film. 

#1 - Captain America: The Winter Soldier 

This is the Marvel movie that speaks to me the most! As an artist, a superhero fan, and as an individual all at once. Yes, the action is beautifully crafted. Yes, the writing is on-point. Yes, it is the best showcase of the incredible directing duo known as The Russo Brothers. Yes, it was the first Marvel film to break away from the expected formula by being more of an espionage thriller. But, all of that is in higher service to the movie's overall themes of questioning authority, the importance of individuality, and always doing what is right regardless of how challenging it may be. If The Dark Knight was a vaguely supportive metaphor for The Patriot Act, then Captain America: The Winter Soldier is its complete antithesis. Because this movie's message can best be summarised in this quote from Edward Abbey: 

"A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his Government." 

While there have been plenty of stories that carried the same message, it is rare to see it played so vividly and with such conviction in a massive blockbuster like this one. For that reason alone, it remains my absolute favorite of the Marvel superhero films. 

Well, there you have it, folks. My Top 5 Marvel Movies. Now, this has me thinking. As much as I have praised and enjoyed these films, should I maybe balance the scales a bit by making a Bottom 5 list? Maybe discuss some of the Marvel movies that didn't mean a whole lot to me? Let me know what you think. Perhaps there will be another list on the horizon. 

Until then, ladies & gentlemen, I am TheNorm, thank you all for reading. 

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