Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Holiday Rhymes - Home Alone (1990)


Stream it on Disney + 
Rent it on Amazon, YouTube, Google Play, and Apple TV 

Happy Holidays everyone

And a Happy New Year,

This is the time of laughter

Unity and cheer. 


In honor of this festive time

I shall test my brain,

By reviewing Holiday films in rhyme

Like Dr. Seuss, just the same. 


This is a task I have always wanted

A fun challenge in every way, 

My father would be most proud

He writes a rhyme for any special day. 


But enough with this intro

It is time to begin, 

Our first film is Home Alone

So let us dive in. 


Kevin, a bright young boy

Felt unloved by his peers, 

Always with the short end of the stick

His heartfelt no cheers. 


To be on his own would be grand

He wished with all his might, 

The next morning, it came true 

And he celebrated with great delight. 


But his folly would not last

As his situation grew ever so dim, 

Not helped by two thieves outside his door 

Who wanted to take everything from him. 


Though Kevin was on his own

with no one to help him fight, 

He would defend his home himself

On Christmas Eve night. 


He set up traps and pranks

For the foolish thieves to find, 

They would never see it coming

Not from a child’s mind. 


In the end, the day was saved 

And Kevin’s family returned, 

Just in time for Christmas Day 

With greater respect earned. 


The film is a silly yarn 

But it has a good heart, 

For it reminds us that family is important 

And always has been from the start. 


To be alone is alright 

at least from time to time, 

But keep close to the ones you love

For family is sublime. 


And so ends our first film

For this Holiday year,

Tune in again for our next treat 

That’s better than free beer. 


Ladies & gentlemen, I am TheNorm; thank you all for reading.

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