Taking place in the 1870s, the story follows an aged linguistic expert named James Murray (Mel Gibson), who has been tasked with heading the first step towards creating the Oxford Dictionary: a collection of every word in the English language along with its definition, origin, and examples of its use. A massive undertaking that Murray tackles by enlisting people's aid, far and wide, by having them submit a fixed set of words based on their knowledge and experience. This catches the attention of one Dr. William Chester Minor (Sean Penn), a former army surgeon suffering from severe PTSD induced schizophrenia (undiagnosed, of course) and serving time in the insane asylum for a murder he genuinely regrets. As it turns out, Dr. Minor has an expansive knowledge of poetry and literature and offers his aid to Mr. Murray. In their collaboration, the two men become fast friends and embark on an emotional journey that will forever change their lives.
What makes this film so surprisingly excellent is its humanity. The plot about creating the Oxford Dictionary is little more than a means of exploring the more compelling story of friendship, forgiveness, redemption, and love. Guiding the audience through its emotional roller coaster with surprisingly likable characters and dialogue that sings with elegance and poise. All of which is delivered by two high caliber actors along with an equally talented supporting cast.
Probably my only issue with the film is aspects of Sean Penn’s performance. While he does his usual fine job, he occasionally makes vocal choices that make his dialogue too difficult to understand. It’s not a case of low audio quality or terrible sound mixing, but most likely a case of the director not wanting to tell Sean Penn that he needs to clarify his delivery.
The Professor and the Madman is a must-watch. It’s a beautiful and human story that will entertain and enrich your life, like any good movie worth it's salt should. Please check this one out.
Ladies & gentlemen, I am TheNorm; thank you all for reading.
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