Friday, June 2, 2023

SHAZAM: Fury of the Gods - Atlas Shrugs

Streaming on MAX 
For Rent on Apple TV, YouTube, Google Play, and Amazon 

    The first SHAZAM movie from 2019 was an unexpected and delightfully welcome gem in the world of superhero movies outside of Marvel. At the time, there was little to no hope for the folks at Warner Brothers & DC Comics, who were trying too hard to strike the superhero-cinematic-universe iron while it was hot, despite neither party knowing how to properly wield the hammer. In the wave of undersaturated colors and outdated adolescent angst, SHAZAM broke the mold and provided an experience that was fun, entertaining, and super heartfelt. 

    Four years later, we're presented with a sequel from most of the same creative team in the hopes of making the lightning strike twice. While certain elements succeed in providing fair entertainment value, the overall experience could have been much better. 

    Taking place a few years after the events of the first movie, Billy Batson (Asher Angel) has grown fond of his foster family and is now living his best life possible. His fortunate situation is further enhanced by his and his foster siblings taking on the role of their town's resident superhero team. Uttering the word SHAZAM transforms Billy into The Champion (Zachary Levi) and his siblings into his partners in fighting crime. However, as of late, Billy has become too clingy to his family and fears losing them if he doesn't hold them together well enough, to the point where his siblings view superhero-ing as less of a family adventure and more of a chore. Things only seem to get worse when a group of ancient gods, known as the Daughters of Atlas, show up to wreak havoc on the world as vengeance for their initial banishment. Can Billy and his siblings rise to the challenge, or will their dysfunction be their undoing? 

    The most significant issue with this film is an apparent need for polish. Despite having four years to fine-tune the script (admittedly, the pandemic didn't help much), it feels too much like an early draft on screen. Many of the character beats seem to move excessively, parts of the dialogue feel unnecessarily forced, and the increased abundance of special-effects heavy scenes detract from the more intimate character moments far too often. 

    There was a grit to the first film that gave it a sense of humanity and verisimilitude. The emphasis on the character's journeys and relationships made the first film enjoyable and memorable. Yes, it also featured moments of superpowers with incredible special effects, but there was a better balance between the extravaganza and the story that is, unfortunately, lacking in this much-anticipated next chapter. Although to be fair, a film with as many vital characters as featured here can challenge any filmmaker. 

    On the flip side, the chemistry between the cast is still solid, the villains are some of the best seen in a DC superhero movie, and the visual effects (though overbearing at times) are incredible to behold. Especially when it comes to some mythological creatures towards the film's climax. All I will say is, "Taste the Rainbow, Mother%&#@er!" 

    SHAZAM: Fury of the Gods is not the worst DC superhero movie I've ever seen, but it is an unfortunate disappointment. While there are enough good parts here and there to render the experience at least modestly entertaining, it can't hold a candle to the first film. This is sad because I can't help but feel that it should have. 

    If you're curious, give it a look. Otherwise, just wait for Superman: Legacy

Ladies & gentlemen, I am TheNorm; thank you all for reading. 

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