Sunday, August 4, 2019

Hobbs & Shaw - Ridiculously Enjoyable

In this movie, there a scene in which our heroes are in hiding in a familiar location. On the walls of this particular place are posters for the films Leather Weapon 3, 48 Hours, and the Sylvester Stallone classic, Cobra. All of which are classic action films of the 80s and 90s which perfectly capsulate today's movie Hobbs & Shaw. A modern presentation of the silly over-the-top action movies of my youth, and I could not help but love it all. Watching this movie made me feel like a kid again, it made me feel nostalgic for the days when action movies were fun. When they just embraced the absurdity of their worlds and didn't care about being "realistic." It is the perfect embodiment of suitable trash. It may not change or enrich your life, but it will provide a whole lot of fun at the movies like any good action movie should. 

Hobbs & Shaw is the first of possibly many spin-off films to spawn from the Fast & Furious series. A film series that I initially hated with a burning vengeance but have since grown to enjoy it. Mostly because the series initially tried too hard to be taken seriously and was pandering to an overly pandered crowd. That is until one day someone at the studio realized just how incredibly silly this whole idea was, and thus decided to encourage the filmmakers to just embrace the silliness of it all and have a blast with it. As a result, the Fast & Furious franchise has earned a place in my heart as a good action series, purely because of how much fun it's having, thereby encouraging the audience to have just as much fun if not more. 

The story follows an American special agent named Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) and a British criminal/anti-hero named Shaw (Jason Statham). They are brought in by the CIA to work on a particular case regarding the theft of a dangerous virus which has the potential to wipe out most of the Planet. The main suspect is an MI6 agent named Hattie (Vanessa Kirby) who happens to be Shaw's sister. Little do our heroes know that the situation is being manipulated by a mysterious evil organization known as Etheon, who is also after the virus, and puts their most enhanced super-soldier named Brixton (Idris Elba) on their trail. Our heroes must put aside their differences and work together to retrieve the virus and save the world. 

What really sells this movie is the two main leads. Johnson and Statham are an absolute blast to watch. Their banter is funny, their chemistry feels genuine, and they both are clearly having a ton of fun with their roles and the entire movie. Both men have always had a natural charisma about them, which made them feel more likable and even relatable. Dwayne Johnson especially has often displayed a genuine enthusiasm for his work. If you watch almost any interview of him when talking about his upcoming movie, he is just like a little kid who got a brand new treehouse. As a result, because he's having so much fun, so are we. 

The action scenes are especially excellent. Unlike most action films today, Hobbs & Shaw provides incredible set pieces that, I dare say, are on-par with the likes of Ronin or even Mad Max: Fury Road. The camera never shakes like the operator just had his fifth Redbull, the editing is quick without being hyper, and every single moment is clear and coherent. This is the kind of action that Michael Bay thinks he is making but never succeeds in accomplishing. He should take note. 

My only real nitpick is a fantastic scene towards the end of the film, which was given away in the trailers when it really should not have been. One of the things that Dwayne Johnson likes to do in his movies is showcasing his Polynesian heritage. Usually in the form demonstrating ancient warrior tactics and battle preparation. It is a purely awesome scene that, while still incredible, would have been more so if it was not given away in the trailer. I can't help but feel that this one fantastic scene was robbed of its impact because the marketing department is under the false impression that trailers have to reveal everything about a movie to get audiences in seats. But I digress. 

Regardless of rather you are a fan of the Fast & Furious franchise or not, Hobbs & Shaw delivers a self-contained experience that anyone with a heartbeat can enjoy. It is super silly fun all throughout, and it is never embarrassed or ashamed of it. I hope we get to see more action movies reach this level of enjoyability. 

Is this movie worth seeing? 

Is it worth seeing in Theaters? 

It is unashamed and unapologetic crazy action and is the kind of silly movie experience we need more of in this modern world. 

Ladies & gentelmen, I am TheNorm, thank you all for reading. 

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